Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Friends Can Be Inspiring.

Today I was inspired by one of my best friends Caleb Jacks. He is a wonderful illustrator. I have always admired how consistent he is at coming up with new and equally whimsical pieces. He was just feautured in a show (pictured above) and I am so very excited for him. If only I was as dedicated as he.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Emma has a blog now...

It is 6:45 on a lovely Saturday night.
I am in a stranger's apartment for the 7th night in a row, using his computer, and enjoying his view from his window.
Today's weather was a stunning change, I didn't need a coat - liberating as hell. The windows are open and I feel just fine.
I am currently experiencing New York City this Spring and it has been such an interesting journey.
I am learning more about myself right now than I feel l have in the last three or so years combined.
I have been journaling ALOT (already filled up four...) but wanted to explore a way to keep track of my time here visually... by combining images that express where I am in my life :) and the things that are interesting to me as a 20 year old (21 in a couple weks) in a big city. Being an artist is very important to me. Coming here and seeing so much inspiration has opened my eyes to how little time I devote to my creative side and succeeding and growing in it. This is my first attempt to take a step forward in my artistic life and grow....

Only love,
