"adventures happen on dull days, not on sunny ones. When the chord of monotony is stretched most tight, then it breaks with a sound like a song."
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Tim + Johnny + Alice in her Wonderland = YESS!!!!
Im going to Georgia to see my sweet Bubba tomorrow...
Bella Pop is a photography studio based in Weatherford Texas and they are kindly giving me the opportunity to shadow them for two of their wedding sessions this summer!! Brandy and Brandon are the two talented married folk that have welcomed me into their photo taking arms and I couldn't be more excited. He is to learning new things....!!! Cheers.
Tree and Leaf BABY! They are a screen printing shop in Oklahoma City and good friends of mine! They are currently printing an artist line that I was happily invited to be apart of :) This shirt was done by Dylan Bradway - a pretty rockin' artist that owns DNA Galleries. My design is next in line to be printed - woop woop! If you feel like supporting some Oklahoma artists and having some new one of a kind threads, visit Tree and Leaf's website to purchase the artist line tees!!!! ok bye.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
I want to be just like my Native American boyfriend...
Element has this incredible female advocate program that I LOVE! They gathered a group of craftswomen that represent passion, creativity, and social awareness.... This is their new addition and she makes me happy! One of my other favorites is Brooke Reidt - she is a painter and is lovely! Go here to see them all :)
“Omar and his Skyhook,” is the story of a young boy yearning to go on his first fishing trip with his grandpa. when his wish is denied, omar finds the courage and mischievously steps out alone into the unknown world. when he lands his first catch, an unsuspecting predator swoops in and takes omar for the ride of his life. It's a beautiful film - reminds me of the movie Big Fish, another one of my favorites! Go to Roadnorth's site to see the short film - ENJOY!!!!
So I finally got my personal website up and running! It took me a good 6 months but I DID it and couldn't be happier (it was much more complicated than expected, ha). There will be much more material under the DESIGN PORTFOLIO by the end of the summer - I have some updating to do :) Would love feedback, k thanks BYE!
I have fall asleep intertwined with you, Cheek to cheek, even lip to lip - just feeling your breath on my skin, but not tonight. You're there and I'm here. Every night your body isn't pressed against mine, I have to pack pillows around myself just to fall asleep...
So I was hired to build a website for this adorable store in Richardson, Texas called Beyond the Door. It is home decor, antiques, jewelry, purses, etc. I spent 4 hours photography every nook and cranny of that place this afternoon. There were so many amazing details, I couldn't stop! This girl was one of my favorites :) Looking forward to the final product.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
I just LOVE these images from ELISABETH ISABELLE's blog. They are so vibrant and colorful. BRAVO Elisabeth. Very inspiring.
"To gaze upon the photography of Dani Brubaker is to look primitive joy straight in the eye. The sheer, natural, soulfulness she captures in her children is vivaciousness personified, refreshingly unfettered, and untamed by modern life."
" Lets meet in the middle ! " " OK, Memphis TN? Is that a good middle? " " It's perfect, see you there. "
Cancel my life for the weekend. 7 hours on unfamiliar roads. Meet at Wendy's. Walgreen's run: whickey -n- coke McDonalds? yuck. tv + cheap hotel = heaven. pass out. sleep in. wake up in his arms. Elvis's house, cars, planes, etc. Mud River and hamburgers. walk, more walking.... pictures. another cheap hotel that makes us feel like we are in Europe. Gardens. kittens. quiet. cool. blankets. more whiskey. poor intruder trying to break into our room. explore. more pictures coffee. goodbye. see you in 3 weeks!